Speeding up invoice payments

Taking care of invoice and billing payments can often be an onerous task for many small businesses. However, very few things are more important in the business industry than getting paid on time, since delays in payments can disrupt a business’s cash flow quite seriously.

Business owners looking for best practice tips to get paid on time should keep in mind that often the most effective solutions are usually the most simple. Owners should make sure that their invoices are accurate, easy to read and include information such as:

  • How to pay the invoice
  • A clear description of goods or services provided
  • The details of any discounts and how they were determined
  • Information about any outstanding payments
  • Delivery charges if applicable

If any queries should arise about the invoice or payment, owners should handle them fairly and quickly.

Making only a few simple adjustments to invoices can speed payment from customers so owners can focus more of their time on their business than on their bills. Some techniques to speed up payments include:

  • Confirming the correct location and contact details so the invoices reach the right person.
  • Clearly stating on your invoice that you reserve the right to charge a set late fee for overdue invoices.
  • Contacting customers to tell them what corrections or adjustments are being made to their invoice before sending the amended invoice
  • Quoting any relevant customer reference number customers have provided.
  • Including a credit card or online payment option.

Making employees feel valued

Statistics have shown that employees who feel valued are more motivated to perform their best. But how can a business make employees feel valued so that they can encourage this behaviour?


It can be as simple as letting employees know that they are valued. This can occur one-on-one or in group settings. Vocalising appreciation of an employee’s work, as well as giving raises and bonuses are effective methods.


Giving employees positive feedback (more than negative feedback) is a great way not just to show appreciation, but also to foster an environment that allows constructive feedback as opposed to criticism.


Keep open lines of communication with your employees, and let them know what the plans for the organisation are, when and if, possible. This improves transparency, and lets employees know that they are trusted members of the business.

Right level of challenge

Designate tasks which show trust in an employee’s capabilities. These tasks can build on employee’s skills and encourage growth and development in areas where needed.

Attending to employee’s and their needs is important in letting them know that they are valuable members. This will not only improve their morale, but in the end generate productivity.

What is Organisational Culture?

Understanding what organisational structure is can help with making decisions about your business in all areas. Organisational culture is multifaceted, it consists of the shared values, beliefs and norms in the workplace, and determines employee interactions as well as customer interactions.

There are four types of organisational cultures.

  • Clan Culture: Focussed on collaboration between teams to form a family-like relationship.
  • Adhocracy Culture: Focussed on creativity and innovation and open to continual change.
  • Market Culture: Focussed on achieving goals through competitive drive amongst employees.
  • Hierarchy Culture: Focussed on formal procedures and guidelines and maintaining power structures.

The organisational culture reflects in all aspects of the business. It can help with determining which potential employees may be more suitable than others and the way that those in leadership positions communicate with employees.

The way a business communicates and interacts with their customers is also influenced by organisational culture. Businesses may desire friendly and informal relationships, or formal and reserved relationships. Communication methods may also change, such as preferring email interaction as opposed to utilising chat functions.

Of course, the culture of an organisation can have overlap of the different types. More important than focussing on one type of culture, is recognising what works best for your business and trying to foster values and norms that embody that.

What to look out for in an employment contract

Reading any contract before you sign it is essential, but there are some things you should keep a special eye out for when signing an employment contract.

Award Coverage

You should always check that the salary you have agreed upon with your employer is on par with the award rates and no less. Double check what rates are associated with your position and clarify any concerns with your employer.

Restraint of trade

An employer may add a ‘restraint of trade’ clause to your contract. This may impact whether you can work in the same industry later on, so make sure that the employer hasn’t done this without first discussing the details with them first.

Changing terms of contract

Your employer may have added a clause which gives them the sole right to make any changes to the contract (such as duties, pay, seniority or location of work). Although employers should not be changing any terms and conditions in the contract without first notifying you, having this clause in the contract will make it more difficult for you to argue any changes. Check to make sure the employer doesn’t have sole ability.

Carefully read all aspects of the contract to make sure that they reflect national standards and any specific agreements you had made with your employer.

Insuring your super

Most super funds offer insurance as part of their super plan. It is important to be aware of what types of insurance you are covered by through your super fund to help you determine if you need extra cover outside your super and if you have adequate support in the event that you cannot work. There are three types of insurance that can be available through super funds:

Life insurance (also known as death cover):

This is the most common of all personal super insurances and is part of the benefits your beneficiaries will receive when you die. Life insurance is typically applied to your super account by default. It is not compulsory with your super, however, if you have a self-managed super fund (SMSF), then you are required to consider insurance as part of your investment strategy.

Total and permanent disability (TPD) cover:

This insurance pays a lump sum if you become permanently disabled and are unable to work again, protecting you against the risk that your retirement income is cut unexpectedly short. TPD cover is often automatically joined with life insurance as a default cover.

Income protection (IP) cover:

This pays you an income stream for a period of time that you are not able to work due to temporary disability or illness. It is only available as a default cover in about one-third of super funds. It may be particularly useful if you are self-employed or have debts.

You can check what insurance you have with your super fund on your annual super statement, your online super account or by contacting them. Through these you can see the type and amount of cover you have, and how much you are paying for it.

JobMaker Hiring Credit

Job losses have been extensive during the COVID-19 pandemic and the JobMaker Hiring Credit will give businesses incentives to take on additional employees aged between 16 and 35 years old.

Eligible employers will receive $200 a week for each new employee aged between 16 and 29. For new eligible employees aged 30 to 35, they’ll receive $100 a week. Businesses and employees will need to satisfy specific eligibility requirements.

For an employer to be eligible they must have an Australian Business Number and be up to date with their tax lodgement obligations, registered for Pay As You Go (PAYG), and be reporting through Single Touch Payroll. Employers will not be eligible if they are also claiming JobKeeper Payment.

To receive the JobMaker Hiring Credit, employers must also meet additionality criteria, requiring an increase in the:

  • business’ total employee headcount from 30 September 2020; and
  • payroll of the business for the reporting period, as compared to the three months to 30 September 2020.

The JobMaker Hiring Credit will be available to employers for each new job they create over the next 12 months for which they hire an eligible young person. The employee must work at least 20 paid hours per week on average and may be employed on a permanent, casual or fixed term basis. The employee must also have received the JobSeeker Payment, Youth Allowance or Parenting Payment for at least one of the three months preceding the time of hiring.

The JobMaker Hiring Credit will start on 7 October 2020. The Hiring Credit will be claimed quarterly in arrears by the employer from the Australian Tax Office (ATO) from 1 February 2021. Employers will need to report to the ATO quarterly that they meet the eligibility criteria.

Registrations will be open for eligible employers through ATO online services from 7 December 2020.

Insolvency reforms to support small business

The government recognises that despite support to get through the COVID-19 outbreak, not all businesses are going to remain viable.

Many small businesses will have significantly increased levels of debt in order to remain in business during the COVID-19 pandemic. The government is introducing a number of permanent and temporary measures to expand the availability of insolvency practitioners to deal with this expected increase in the number of businesses seeking to restructure or liquidate.

The package of reforms features three key elements:

Debt Restructuring

Currently, requirements around voluntary administration in Australia are more suited to large, complex company insolvencies. The new debt restructuring process will adopt a ‘debtor possession model’ where the business can continue to trade under the control of its owners, while a debt restructuring plan is developed and voted on by creditors.

Liquidation Pathway

The costs of liquidation can consume all or almost all of the remaining value of a small business, leaving little for creditors. Under the government’s new process, regulatory obligations will be simplified, so that they are commensurate to the asset base, complexity and risk profile of an eligible small business.

Temporary Relief Measures Extended

The government announced a further extension of relief measures to 31 December 2020. The

temporary increase in the threshold at which creditors can issue a statutory demand on a company from $2,000 to $20,000; and a temporary increase in the time companies have to respond to statutory demands they receive from 21 days to 6 months. In addition there is a temporary relief for directors from any personal liability for trading while insolvent, with respect to any debts incurred in the ordinary course of the companies business.

The temporary gives businesses needed breathing space to and highlights the importance of working with financial professionals as soon as required, ensuring that your small business has the best chance of success.

Upskilling Australia

The Budget highlights the government’s commitment to getting people back in jobs and upskilling Australians.

The JobTrainer Fund which falls under the JobMaker Plan will support up to 340,700 free or low-fee training places in areas needed to help upskill and retrain job seekers and young people.

The government will provide exemptions for employer-provided retraining activities from business’ fringe benefits tax and is also consulting on updating the current rules to allow individuals to deduct training costs from their income which relates to their future employment.

The Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements Wage Subsidy will boost the number of new apprenticeships and traineeships. This will support up to 100,000 new apprentices and trainees by paying a 50 per cent wage subsidy. Businesses will receive the subsidy up to a cap of $7,000 per quarter, for commencing apprentices and trainees until 30 September 2021.

Economic security for women is also being prioritised under the Budget. Several initiatives will work to support the increase of women’s workforce participation and improvement of earning potential. They include initiatives to support women’s leadership and development and increasing opportunities for women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), business and male-dominated industries.

Lower taxes for businesses and individuals

The Budget seeks to promote tax reform and simplification in an effort to support business investment and help reduce the personal income tax burden.


Businesses are encouraged to invest with the introduction of temporary full expensing. Businesses with turnover up to $5 billion will be able to deduct the full cost of eligible depreciable assets of any value in the first year they are used or installed ready for use, from now till end of June 2022. Costs of improvements to these eligible depreciable assets can also be deducted. Through the reduction of after-tax costs of eligible expenses, full expensing supports businesses that are investing and helping stimulate the economy. Eligible new or second-hand assets acquired under the enhanced $150,000 instant asset write-off by the end of this year will receive an additional 6 months (30th June 2021) to use or install those assets.

Temporary loss carry-back will provide businesses the opportunity to offset tax losses. Companies with a turnover of up to $5 billion will be able to offset tax losses against previous profits on which tax has been paid to generate a refund. Any losses incurred from 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 may be carried back against profits made during, or after 2018-19. To receive this support, applications to receive a tax refund may be lodged during the 2020-21 or 2021-22 tax returns.

Measures have been taken to expand and modernise the tax treaty network. This involves eliminating double taxation in an effort to attract foreign workers, simplify taxing rights between Australia and other countries and boost foreign investment in Australia. The initiative reduces tax barriers to prioritise reinstating Australia’s treaties with important partners to relieve economic burden. The Research and Development Tax Incentive (R&DTI) will ensure businesses of every size are receiving the support they require in these areas.

Changes have been made to recordkeeping provision as the government maintains its efforts to cut down red tape. Businesses will no longer need complete prescribed records, instead they will be able to use existing corporate records to reduce the time and manpower spent on recordkeeping.


Both low and middle income earners will also be receiving tax relief in the coming years. The government has brought forward their plans for tax cuts to make sure that families are keeping more of what they earn. Taxpayers will be receiving relief of up to $2.745 for singles and $5,490 for dual income families. The provision of a simpler tax system and lower taxes, which will be implemented in 3 stages, has increased the threshold of the 32.5% tax bracket from $90,000 to $120,000. Tax relief to individuals is expected to encourage spending and stimulate the economy.

Long term tax-effective Investments

Determining where to invest requires multiple factors to be taken into consideration. One such factor may be tax efficiency. The tax charged on income from a tax-effective investment is less than the individual’s marginal tax rate.


The government provides incentives to save through Super, which make it one of the most tax-effective investments. Contributing to your super and salary sacrifice is only taxed at 15% if yearly income is under $250,000 (30% if over $250,000 which is still tax-effective). The maximum tax that can be charged on investment income in super is 15%, and 10% on capital gains. This is lower than marginal rates at which taxation occurs for most individuals.

Employees should ensure that contributions are not above $25,000, as this is the cap on concessional contributions. Additional tax needs to be paid on any amount claimed higher than the cap.

Insurance Bonds

Insurance companies offer insurance bonds as long term investment options. Earnings in an investment bond are taxed at 30% (Corporate tax rate), which makes them tax-effective for those whose marginal tax rate is above 30%. They are further tax-effective if one is looking to invest for over 10 years. This is because although withdrawals can be made during the 10 years, if no withdrawals are made, no further tax is payable.

The ATO warns against tax-driven schemes, which offer tax concessions for investing in certain assets that provide income in the future as these may be high risk or part of a scam. Investing in superannuation or insurance bonds are safe and reliable methods which don’t pose these concerns.