Working-from-home web tools you should utilise

GENERAL NEWS 03 | 04 | 20

Traditionally, it has always been much easier to manage employees and ensure collaborative productivity through onsite and in-office procedures. However, with the COVID-19 outbreak forcing many businesses to continue their operations online business owners and employees are understandably struggling to keep productive and synergised while working individually from home. To help with keeping businesses running ensuring employees are able to work together through the web, here are a few helpful web features to utilise.

Video conferencing/online messaging:
Live video conferencing and messaging through a number of efficient programs and apps available through the internet is a good way to keep your employees accountable to their tasks, keep up to date with any business developments and help employees communicate with each other.

Organising daily video conferences in which all employees are required to participate and contribute will keep workers motivated and aware of any upcoming projects, developments or business activities relevant to them. Scheduled live meetings will also mean employees are required to stay on top of their work even when working from home. Instant messaging apps specific to businesses will also work as a separate space for employees to communicate and collaborate and act as a virtual working space functioning similarly to an office.

File sharing:
Instead of having important files, software and documents saved onto one physical hard drive or computer in an office, having a virtual platform that all employees can access from their accounts on any computer will prove to be a useful web tool when implementing working from home strategies.

Not only is having one virtual space where all important materials are congregated convenient for employees, but it also means employees can easily share documents and even work on the same files at the same time. File sharing platforms provide a more open and collaborative space for employees and assist them in accessing their work when working from home.

Team management platform:
Team management platforms are those which outline and record the progress of any given task and project in a company. Starting from employers adding certain projects, to delegating tasks to employees and having employees upload their work while marking their progress, it is much easier to keep track of company progress remotely through the usage of team management platforms.

While there are many third-party platforms to consider, make sure you take advantage of any free trials first to learn how to best use the platforms and if they are the right fit for your company operations. Otherwise, conduct background research on any team management platforms you find interesting and make sure they include the functions you desire.


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