Tips to building an engaging website

GENERAL NEWS 18 | 06 | 20

A simple yet often overlooked method of improving your business is to build an engaging website. Many business websites act as a product information dump rather than an avenue to attract clients and reinforce business goals. To ensure you fully utilise your website, here are a few website-building tips you can implement.

Get the basics down
First note that a business website needs to:

  • Provide basic information about your business, products and services,
  • Answer typical questions and concerns,
  • Motivate people to buy or use your products.

To make sure your website is able to fulfil its fundamental duties, there are several must-haves to include:

  • Name of company, personalised website domain, tagline hours of operation. Display your business name and website address prominently and on every page you have to ensure potential clients can find through search engines
  • What you sell or do. Make it very clear what your business does and provide an accurate description of your products or services.
  • Photos and graphics. Graphics are a must-have to make sure your website is visually appealing. Examples of graphics include your logo, photos of your products or place of business, a photo of yourself or key employees. In the case that you're struggling to obtain original images, consider adding stock images that are for free and public use.
  • About Us. Your website needs at least one page with background information on your business and the key people who run your company. This is important to include so that your clients are able to gain a better understanding of your business purposes and goals before supporting you.
  • Contact Us. Provide your potential customers with an email address and phone number and link your social media accounts to your website. Also, provide a physical address so customers can visit if necessary.

Recommended features to add
Three features that are also helpful to add to your website include:

  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Save yourself some time by answering common inquiries. Also, many people are reluctant to call or email with questions so an FAQ may help clear up some concerns and motivate them to do business with you.
  • Testimonials. Do your current customers love you and tell you so? Testimonials and reviews are powerful selling tools and improve your credibility.
  • Press and awards. Positive reviews from the media and awards similarly add credibility to your brand and reinforce consumer confidence.

Additional industry tips
eCommerce websites making sales directly from their website can include information about:

  • Product details. You'll need in-depth information about the products you sell online, including photos wherever possible.
  • Security practices. Let your customers know that you are keeping their information secure
  • Shipping. Indicate how quickly you'll fill orders, shipping prices and options. Keep your clients updated with delivery information.
  • Return policies/guarantees. Make these very clear.
  • Customer service hours.

For businesses with a physical location where customers come to you, include:

  • Hours you are open.
  • Location and directions. You can add a map from an online map service and provide helpful directions for your customers.
  • Photo of your place of business or interior.

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