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In the constantly changing business environment, you can rely on our business services team to be expert, up-to-date and ready at hand to assist you with your business matters.

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Whether your concerns are taxation, accounting, business planning, cashflow and budgeting, or business valuation, rest assured that our staff are available to advise you. Our accounting and compliance services on the Gold Coast include:

  • Preparation of annual accounts
  • Preparation of periodic management accounts
  • Book-keeping services
  • Maintaining PAYG and GST records and associated returns
  • PAYG and Superannuation Guarantee compliance Self-assessment advice
Contact Us


  • We are often asked by new clients if it is easy to change accountants. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be painful. We will contact your accountant for you and update ATO ands ASIC records on your behalf to make the transition as smooth as possible.

  • The role of accountant for your business is one of upmost importance. Behind us are the days of talking to your accountant once a year. The modern accountant will be accessible and work with you throughout the year on all your financial and business projects.

    We will be part of your business journey and will know and understand your business and your industry. With this knowledge, we will build a compelling working relationship that will help you achieve your business goals.

    Reach out to see if we would be a good fit for your business.

  • Managing the accounts of a business can be complicated and time consuming. Business owners can find it challenging enough to cover the basics. The right accounting package can provide automation that can make these tasks much simpler.

    We work with all accounting packages such as MYOB, Reckon and Xero. However, the right package for you will depend on your business requirements and your level of bookkeeping experience. This advice can be difficult to provide without understanding you and your business.

    As a general recommendation, it is hard to go past xero, it has great features, is affordable and has an extensive library of add-ons to help make your business more efficient.

    Contact us to discuss your accounting package requirements.

  • The first thing to understand about tax is that the amount you pay depends on your personal circumstances. It is unlikely that two people will have the same tax positions and it can be very difficult to compare. There are some strategies that you can put in place to reduce your overall tax liability, however, the most effective strategy is choosing the right structure to allow tax flexibility.

    Meet with us for a complimentary consultation before you purchase any investments.


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