Quick fixes to boost email marketing

GENERAL NEWS 30 | 08 | 19

While email marketing remains one of the most effective platforms for businesses to reach clients on a personal level, it does not always deliver the results you may be after. If you're finding that email marketing isn't going as well as you had hoped, here are five simple ways to improve your campaign:

Email automation:
Email automation is one of the most efficient ways to save time and send timely, relevant emails to clients. It is an emailing process which enables businesses to send out specific messages to clients at designated times, instead of spending valuable time sending out individual emails to every client. While automation may sound like an emailing process that detaches businesses from their clients, it can actually help to develop closer relationships as it maintains effective communication and brand awareness.

Experiment with your “from” name:
Low open rates may be attributed to the particular “from” name you are using. If this is the case, it might be a good idea to change the name to a more recognisable one. Seeing “from” information that isn't clearly related to a person or place that clients know, is often a red flag for individuals who are becoming increasingly wary of email spammers. Make sure your recipients know they're getting emails from someone they actually asked to hear from by making your “from” information as obvious as possible.

Target behaviour:
While segmenting an email list by demographics can produce results, it is much more effective to segment subscribers by their behaviour. Send clients targeted messages based on their service or purchase history, send loyalty offers to those who consistently open your emails or re-engagement campaigns to those who never do.

Remember mobile optimisation:
With approximately 53% of emails being opened on mobile devices, using mobile-friendly layouts and graphics will help with continued engagement. If the content doesn't appear properly on a mobile device, chances are the subscriber will be less likely to open another email. Make sure images do not look stretched or take too long to load and use appropriate ratios on all platforms.

Don't forget existing customers:
One of the smartest and least expensive ways to find new clients is to utilise your existing ones. Existing clients are a great resource for bringing in new business, especially when they refer their friends or share content from the business with people who would normally be beyond reach.


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