How to write an eye-catching bio

GENERAL NEWS 21 | 08 | 19

Social media bios are a small window into your company for potential clients. They can show your style, what you do, the promotions you are running or just be a fun read. A well written and thought out bio stands out from those that are lazy, audiences can tell if you treat your bio as an afterthought. The purpose is to get people to want to know more.

There are many different tactics you can use when creating or revamping a bio. It is important to keep in mind what platform you are writing for as some convey specific tones and draw in different crowds. The aim always remains to draw in audiences, so go with a strategy you think will best attract like-minded people.

Know your voice:
Cohesion in a business is vital, there needs to be a clear message on what you are offering clients and how you are approaching them. It is very evident on social media when a business doesn't know their voice, as content becomes disjointed and doesn't show prospective clients who the business. Ensure the tone of your bio, post types and captions all lineup, whether that is professional, casual, humorous, etc. is up to you.

Link your accounts:
Most social media platforms have the option to link to a website in your bio, but it is also a good idea to link to your other social media accounts. As long as you are not overfilling your bio section, adding your other social media handles can help audiences to cross platforms, experiencing the different content you provide. This is also a good idea if you have separate social accounts for different elements of the business or support channels.

Use keywords:
Content from your bio is searchable, giving you an opportunity to use keywords or phrases to direct traffic to your profile. Strong keywords relating to your industry or product/service offerings are good to strategically place in bios provided they make sense. Filling the space with words purely for searchable purposes may get you clicks but that doesn't necessarily translate to new clients.

With the majority of social media platforms utilising tags to search, hashtags in a bio can increase traffic and show knowledge of the digital space. Using tags like a common phrase adapted to your company, a promotional tag you are running or your slogan, gives you reach that isn't always achieved with keywords. Be careful not to overuse hashtags both in bios and posts as excessive tags look unprofessional.


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